List of Performance

Where is the border line between sickness and imagination? When we create, always we start from our imagination. Imagination is always lurking in reality. Everybody has it's own delusional paradise.

This work started with Ken Okami for les Jeudi's of Centre Pompidou .This piece's recreated with Mohamad Abbasi who's a visual artist,specialized in video. .This piece happen most of the time in the dark stage.The video images on the screen and dance performance on the stage are compose in the real time.The visual image's produced by the projection of light on the retina.Do you see what you think that really see?This works talks about visible/invisible image in live. trailer:Wilfried Thierry

conception: Meri Otoshi performance: Miguel Garcia Llorens, Anna Till, Meri Otoshi This idea came from Origami. Ori has a lot of meanings:bend,fold,timing,season,hallmark,repeat. Gami is kami,which means paper. Mi is body,main part,oneself,sword,dead body. We do origami with our body. It could be machines, cars, computers, cities, just about anything but yourself. That's how you find your lost 'bodies'”.

Duo performance: Michelle Moura, Meri Otoshi How behaves one body without sense of touch? And, if all bodies were only one body? We started to work with these 2 questions, right after the workshop given by Akira Kasai.We were “motivated” by one of his idea of body called “no touch feelings”. As a starting point, we “translated”one little choreography,created in Akira Kasai's workshop,from differents performative materials.

Duo performance: Chikako Bando, Meri Otoshi Music:Mogura ga isshu suru made This works is start from idea of "Toritsuku"performance with Michelle Moura. How behaves one body without sense of touch? And, if all bodies were only one body?

peformance:Lou Cantor, Anatole Lorne, Martina Musilova, Martin Juvanon du Vachat, Meri Otoshi costume: Benjamin Chateau What makes our posture? Where's a separation point between outside and inside of skin? From outside we can't see inside of body and the brain's active under the unconsciousness. With the consciousness we can separate our bodies and minds. If we dance in the same condition as REM sleep ,I think we can't realize any separation point. No separation .It means that we're one body.

animation:Hiromi Itoi performance:Meri Otoshi It's about memory.There's flashbacks of past which an unexpected .When we're child ,we created some images even it's not happen . And now we remake our memory . This is experimental performance.

Where is the border line between sickness and imagination? When we create, always we start from our imagination. Imagination is always lurking in reality. Everybody has it's own delusional paradise.